

I savage everything, Nothing escapes me, Not even the military, Everyone speaks my name...... Behind my back, Nothing that I don't know of  obviously, I obliterate anything in path,I annihilate  anyone who stands up to me, I was born from depths of the void, My soul is TIME I am unbeatable, indestructible, impenetrable !! I.............. AM........... FEAR!!!    


    These natural skyscrapers,   From dusty brown to snow white,  Are tall, sturdy and simply amazing, Making the tallest trees look like ants; With sun-rays hovering,  They are so bewitching, The raw ice grows on the peak, glowing in the sunshine, And the spectacular sunset combines the beauty; Hues rippling through its top, turning the world around you into the most amazing place ever  !!!!            


       The shining universe spread like a blanket around us , Black holes to white dwarfs,  The glowing  setting has never changed!!    Shooting stars catapult through the air leaving a trail of flame...  Young stars and Red hyper giants, Never stop growing and swelling, Solar flares and super-clusters become really ginormous  Due to the fact that one takes a billion years to orbit once !!   The eccentrically coloured, gleaming, sacred planets  roams throughout the galaxy brightening up the hopes of life !  Our very own Earth, is the only planet to sustain life, makes it unique and captivating... Sun the incinerating ball, keeps everything in place !  The shimmering stars brighten the obsidian black galaxy  Making us wonder what a splendid assembly !              


Sometimes alone we can't, Together we can ! Teamwork with collaboration and synergy works the best it can !   Alone we have weaknesses, Together we recover them,          Strength we build,               Support we gain,                    Efforts we put,                         Opinions we share,                                Respect we show,                                        Opportunities we snatch, In a team we walk with pride!! Alone we get shattered , Together we glue back when it mattered, Team brings motivation and lots of determination, We get-up-and-go to chase our dreams!!   Alone we are slow, Together we are a flow, Alone we have to climb a rocky hill, Together it becomes a mole hill!!   Alone is a shame, Together it's a game ; Lots of trust, positivity,handwork we put,  makes our team glow like a flame ! Alone we fall, Together we stand tall, Teamwork makes our goals accomplish and cheers us all!!                                                  TEAMWORK is a

My Shadow!!!

  Did you know, I have a shadow? Really it isn't a big deal,   It scared the hair out of me the first time I saw it.  Though it was scared too, Why is this? This is simple, my SHADOW is  A HUGE copycat.   Black as the  Darkness of Space, The shadow lurks around me,  leaps from unexpected places, Though I can get rid of it  once during............ night !!! See the shadow hates the dark!!!


The brown, The green, The helpful trees, Rooted to a place, standing tall upright, as they continue to grow; The mossy, thin old branches, Groaning under the weight of fruits; Trunks, bark, leaves helps human with everything; It's wood is sacred and drenched with rain ; But when it's cut, trees are in pain ; Twigs and branches fall on the ground, Making the forest bare and frowned; Trees produce oxygen, without which humans will die, Lets not make our lives miserable or else we will cry !!


  The ghastly ghouls still haunt us , But we believe they do not exist, The scariest time revive, turning the matter of life,  Hades, the god of the underworld is the demon who sends ghosts, Scariest beasts rise from the world below, With the crack of night, these PHANTOM burst above making sharks look like cats,  They ... Haunts lonely roads,       Tortures human lives,           Creeping in the dark,                Breaking one's mark!!!   Boo !!! They do not exist!! Bah!! One is right behind me!!!!