
Showing posts from May, 2021


Ah,you little being, I will gradually catch everyone in this world, You cannot hide in the shadows, I will find you, So stop speaking my name, Or you will summon me! You will feel the sound of termination, My eyes are as dark as midnight, So is my nature, My body is ONE gargantuan shadow, I am so powerful even fear is afraid of me, As I just like that, I am a fierce storm that savages tears of time, I am greater than life, My soul is murky as  I feed on thoughts, I am excruciating for your loved ones, My eyes are blood thirsty, I am stronger than any deity! But I am essential for a new beginning .... Try to live the fullest you can, little pawn Until I catch you !! You have some time as I am slow to arise ! I...     AM...                 DEATH!      

Dreams !!

          I glow in the darkness,              Soft and eerie, Peering in the shadows,              I am a beacon of light,  I shine in the gloomy background brighter than any one has seen,                I give you hope, while you are burning in a path of rage, I glow softly in the flaming darkness,                        Elating your Spirits, thrusting through the endless tunnel,   I am most needed at the dead of night,               As my light dims the grief of the victims of sadness, My body is an era of light,                My eyes as a burning sensation,                                               I                                          am                                                              DREAMS ....                       


    M others are our calming influence!! They understand us more than anyone !      O ther than our mother, no one can lift our spirts and boost our morals !   T hey are our heart, soul and life! Without them we are nothing !   H eroic as a lion and as as powerful as god who can grant all our wishes !   E mpathic as ever and never giving up, Strong hearted and well gifted, mothers are as precious as diamonds !   R eason for our existance and our flicker of hope, they nurture us and enlightens us with the right path !