
Child Abuse

When thee is born, His life is filled with joy , The child is filled to the brim with innocence, His future lies in your fists, And still he takes hits, Anger rises in the soil, Yet the boy does not foil, The torture and the pain, Does not have gain, The soul tormented, Driving him insane, The life which was full of hope, Became the void of pain and endless exploitation, When all your dignity is lost, Innocence gone, Forever shattered, The bruises will fade, But the pain shall remain, When life takes a dark turn, Your heart becomes a fern, When the child looks at you with hate, You feel ashamed, But still bend to endless hate, Stop this madness, Stop Child Abuse!


    When you hope, When you look into the stars, When you wish for success , You call upon me, I am your hopes and dreams, I am also man's needs, I shine bright, So I am nicknamed Twi-light, I leap across stars, I am the glow in the breeze, That makes you freeze, You are nothing without me, I can chip you off, But I can trip you not , People think I am chance, But I don't prance, I am truth, But I don't scar, I am not deep , I am faith or morning sage, And the night stage, I am neither strong nor weak, I am the difference  between victory and defeat, I                     AM                                                 LUCK !  

My mysterious walk

  When I walked down the lone lane, The eerie echoing sounds wrap around me, I see a glimmer of gold, That light was the light of hope, Maybe it could take me home, I followed the light through and far, And I saw the morning weave through the night, Where the sun spread on the horizon, The light  darted through the trees, Through the cold, Into a warm, buttery, mellowing sun, I moved through the shade, Soon I got exposed to the glade, But I felt close, The sun felt familiar, The lake was crystal clear, The beautiful rainbow seemed near, The light settled on a patch of grass, Shining brighter than ever, Showing it's true colors, It was a fox- A fox made of fire, Soon it scampered away, Then I realized something, I was...... Home ...  Was it my dreams ... still wondering .. puzzled and deprived of thoughts ...        


We think that the world is big, But there is a larger world, There is a simple connection between the two, BOOKS! The world of imagination is briefly connected, And the only way you can get there, Is by feeling yourself inside the books instead, Sinking through the floor, And then you will find yourself inside the world, Part of your consciousness will still remain in the mortal world,  As you can never fully leave, But the words will swarm in your head, The pages will be flipped by, You will start to grow insight, Your soul will be shifting between worlds, The mystery will be uncovered , And you will feel the happiness and content , When you finish the book, you will feel accomplished, Books gives us power of knowledge, And truth of the world, Books facilitates our understanding, They enlighten the soul when needed, And they unleash our emotions; And remember those who choose to read can only understand the world of books, As they can only understand the true worth of books...


  I am the strongest creation of nature, Stronger than any of your strength I am impure made of liquid darkness, My dreams can make the most ferocious warrior run away, Nothing can defeat me as I created fear, death, nightmares and all the things you detest.....   My domain is endless, I just wait for your   pathetically short mortal lives to crumble into dust; I was born with Chaos, Tartarus and Typhon !!!   As I walk all creatures succumb to me; I am the god of Negativity and Monsters, I am eternal, I am older than humanity, Nothing can stand against me, Good deed is only there to repel me for only a little while but soon I  break through the barrier,   I do not have a SOUL.... I am HEARTLESS.... I show no MERCY......                              I                                                   AM                                                                    EVIL!  


                                D iscrimination is not what they know, putting humanity first is their priority... O bliterating the pain, treating diseases and overcoming pandemics, they are our real heroes  … C uring   patients with selfless devotion, sacrificing their time with their loved ones … T ogether they are unbeatable and gods of our lives....  O bserving, researching and comparing results they come up with decisive action plans to suit patients need … R eason   for pinning our hopes on them as they are the saviours of our loved ones !  Thank You For Being There For US ! YOU ARE PRECIOUS  HAPPY DOCTOR'S DAY!


  F  orever by your side, showing you the right  pathway which dwindles all our negatives ... A daptable to any situation he is in or ever will be, making us wonder how he manages it so efficiently.... T ender hearted and benevolent,  helping everyone around... H ardworking and confident,  without breaking a sweat... E ncouraging us to achieve all our dreams and as ethereal as an angel in our lives who fulfils all our desires ...... R espectful to everyone and backbone of the household.He is the one who sacrifices most in the family without making anyone  realise it !! HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO ALL THE SUPER HEROES OF OUR LIVES !!!


Ah,you little being, I will gradually catch everyone in this world, You cannot hide in the shadows, I will find you, So stop speaking my name, Or you will summon me! You will feel the sound of termination, My eyes are as dark as midnight, So is my nature, My body is ONE gargantuan shadow, I am so powerful even fear is afraid of me, As I just like that, I am a fierce storm that savages tears of time, I am greater than life, My soul is murky as  I feed on thoughts, I am excruciating for your loved ones, My eyes are blood thirsty, I am stronger than any deity! But I am essential for a new beginning .... Try to live the fullest you can, little pawn Until I catch you !! You have some time as I am slow to arise ! I...     AM...                 DEATH!      

Dreams !!

          I glow in the darkness,              Soft and eerie, Peering in the shadows,              I am a beacon of light,  I shine in the gloomy background brighter than any one has seen,                I give you hope, while you are burning in a path of rage, I glow softly in the flaming darkness,                        Elating your Spirits, thrusting through the endless tunnel,   I am most needed at the dead of night,               As my light dims the grief of the victims of sadness, My body is an era of light,                My eyes as a burning sensation,                                               I                                          am                                                              DREAMS ....